
Monday, June 16, 2008

Jeremy Sings

Every once in a while I search Youtube for classic performances of great artists: Sam Ramey in one of his devilish roles; Domingo in pretty much anything; Jon Vickers singing Wagner; (a gravitational pull toward darker voices). And every once in a while, up pops something completely rare and unexpected, a jewel among the quagmire.

In this case, it is the alluring natural voice and charm of Jeremy Brett, the best Sherlock since Rathbone, singing an English (or is it Irish?) folk song accompanied by harp. The person who introduces him is none other than Twiggy (!) that popular stick figure from the '60's.

Of course, it's not as incongruous as it may first seem; Brett once had to sing to Audrey Hepburn in 'My Fair Lady' and had at least to read the treble clef to play Sherlock Holmes playing the violin.

One can sense the sincerity in everything Jeremy Brett set his mind to; what a pity he was taken so soon.


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